Preserved Rose Arrangement Care

Our preserved rose arrangements feature roses and greenery that have been expertly preserved. They are guaranteed to last for 6 months, but will likely last much longer.

These preserved rose arrangements require little care and make a great gift; however, there are some best practices when taking care of a preserved rose arrangement.

The roses and greenery are delicate, so here are some guidelines to follow in order to best care for them:

  • Keep preserved rose arrangements in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight. Varying temperatures, climate, and humidity can have an effect on the roses.
  • Do not water the roses - they are dried, so they won't need any water!
  • Do not handle the roses and greenery unless absolutely necessary
  • Keep preserved rose arrangements away from children and pets
  • If the roses need to be cleaned, gently dust them with a soft dusting tool. Do not wipe the roses or spray with any chemicals.

Please recognize that they are still natural products, and as such as they are unique and vary in their ability to withstand the environment in which they are placed.